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Age of Marriage for Girls by Law in Middle East and North Africa

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This map shows us the Age of Marriage for Girls with Parental Consent by Law in Middle East and North Africa. هذه الخريطة تبين في أي عمر يسمح للفتاة بالزواج بموافقة الأهل في القانون في بلدان الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.
The source of data: The World Bank ( http://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/age-marriage-legal-gender-differences-3-charts-international-women-s-day )
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Comments ( 1 )

Maria kayed
05/Apr/2017 09:58

Hello, there are wrong info on this map. In Lebanon, even though there is no "civil" law for marriage, but not everyone is allowed to get married at age 9. This minimum is only for some Muslim denominations (Shi'aa for example). The minimum age for the Christian denominations is 16 with parents approval and 18 (at this age a girl can be married without her parent's approval), and this age (16/18) is the same as some States in the USA where the minimum age required for marriage is 18 and sometimes 16. So kindly add a note about that on the map.

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