Nahnoo is a nonsectarian and nonpartisan youth-lead organization that aspires to provide a platform for young Lebanese to engage in activities that promote self-development and self-expression and gain the skills necessary to contribute to their communities meaningfully and peacefully.
Through discussion groups, social events, and workshops on topics such as advocacy, effective communication, conflict resolution, and dialogue management, Nahnoo engages a diverse group of Lebanese youth and acts a space for free expression and the exchange of ideas. More recently, Nahnoo has leveraged the organizing ability and its popularity among Lebanese youth to expand the advocacy component of their activities.
التعديات على الأملاك البحرية العامة
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توثيق التعديات على الأملاك البحرية العامة والطلب من المواطنين التبليغ عن المخالفات كمنع الوصول الى الشاطئ، العنصرية في التعامل ورمي الاوساخ والفضلات في المياه.
Topics : Society & Culture , Advocacy & Awareness , Human Rights , Natural Resources & Energy
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